

anarc.host AKA syn.rip is a hobbyist ran project. It was made with the intent of being used by only the admins in 2022. however many of the services now ran on syn.rip are for public or invite only use. Any content is allowed on our services unless it is illegal in the jurisdiction where we are hosted. Most services are accessible over Tor via anarchywteuhg5bzh2m2uwvjssxkqgcdtv2eaxm3pc5tg3gb4xseimad.onion


The current admin contact addresses are contact[at]syn.rip via email, or admin[at]syn.rip via XMPP. Please encrypt sensitive messages and data via PGP, OMEMO, or OTR. These are not personal contacts to reach individual admins for things not related to the service, any messages treating them as such will simply be disregarded.